Photo of him walking in a corridor with hanging plants.


Junior Software Developer


Visual Studio Code
Jupyter Notebook
Pandas Python Library

Personal Projects

image of a work table

During my time freelancing as a Teaching Assistant, it wasn't easy to find time for myself. When I did find time, I did my best to code to keep myself sharp. There are still more for me to learn but as of now, I do what I can. Here are some projects I have been working on.

Taxi Locations and Counter

Public Project
React, Leaflet, Axios deployed on Netlify

Initially this project was meant to plot out the polylines of Singapore. But then I realised I could integrate it together with the Taxi availability API to try out counting the number of Taxis in the specified division.

Github Demo

Random Email Generator

Public Project
Python, Flask, Deployed on Heroku

I needed some data to practice using Pandas. So I thought this up. When generated, it would generate email, name and hadphone number. Users can generate from a range of 1 to 999. Also, users can copy the information as a CSV!

Github Demo

Data Visualisation

Private Project
Python, Jupyter Notebook

Created by using a mix of Jupyter Notebook, Pandas and Plotly to visualise data. Requested by my father to aid him in his work. To make reading multiple lines of data and searching for specific datas easier.

Github and Demo Unavailable

Purely CSS

Public Project

This was made to demonstrate and revise back what CSS could do on its own. Using the time I had during my Teaching Assistant role, I did my best to come up with a book marketing campaign. Mobile responsiveness coming soon.

Github Demo

Battleship JS

Public Project
HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Made as a challenge to myself by a friend. She suggested to work on my JavaScript just as how she did, by creating a simple battleship game. This is still a work in progress and many more additions could be put in.

Github Demo

Bootcamp Projects

image of a man typing and writing

Bootcamp projects were all done individually. Each of us who went through the bootcamp would have a total of four projects when we graduate. These were done in a span of three weeks each. We were scared and unsure of our codes. Nevertheless, we did our best to come up with something meaningful to each of use with help and guidance. Here are my works.

Online Resume

Project 1
HTML & CSS | Bootstrap

This project tested us on our knowledge of HTML and CSS. Additionally, we are expected to use Bootstrap (or any other alternative CSS frameworks we might want to use). I made a single page application to demonstrate them.

Github Demo

Supermarket Finder

Project 2
HTML, CSS & JavaScript | JQuery & APIs

In addition to HTML and CSS, we were required to use JavaScript, JQuery and API in this project. This was to test our capability in DOM manipulation using JavaScript and calling out JSON from APIs. I created a Supermarket finder using FourSquare API and Mapbox API.

Github Demo

Price Share

Project 3
HTML, CSS, JavaScript & Python | Flask & SQL

This was our first interaction with using Python for database connection. Using Flask and the database of our choice (I chose SQL over MongoDB), we were to demonstrate our understanding in the basic CRUD of an applcation.

Github Demo

Run for Me

Project 4
HTML, CSS, JavaScript & Python | Django

For our final project, we were expected to make a fully functional e-commerce webpage. I did manage to create a functional webpage with an established payment system. However it was far from my Vision of creating a copy of Grab/Uber food system.

Github Demo